The Stupa

    The stupa looks like a hemisphere or semi-circle and it is meant to represent the burial mound of the Buddha (founder of Buddhism) and a resting place for his relics. Some stupas also held the relics of other great Buddhist teachers and important monks. Interestingly enough, a stupa can also take the form of a small container or reliquary. These stupas were made to contain the ashes of a person, very similar to what we know today as a urn. 


The Great Stupa, located near the village of Sanchi in India was constructed nearly two thousand years ago. More recently though there have been additions to the exterior, four gateways were added that mark cardinal direction. The Great Stupa's exterior is undecorated , but the gateways are carved with elaborate scenes, figures, and narratives. While these gateways contain so many narratives, Buddha is never once depicted in human form but it is said that he is represented by various symbols in almost every impression. 

The study of Buddhism places focus on the path to enlightenment  in order to achieve the status of Buddha. Buddhist visit these stupas in order to fulfil one of the most important goals of Buddhism: to understand the Buddha's teachings, or better known as the Four Noble Truths. This is one of the most important goals of Buddhism because once someone completes this step and comes to fully understand the Four Noble Truths, then they are able to reach enlightenment!


  1. I really enjoyed reading about the stupas. They are quite interesting. I also really like that you included stuff about how in Buddhism they aim to reach enlightenment.


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